CBS Watch! Thinks Katie Couric is Fat

The CBS network promotional magazine Watch! Decided their cover picture of "CBS Nightly News" anchor, Katie Couric was too fat, So they digitally remastered her ass by airbrushing 20 lbs off of her.
Couric, 49, said she hadn't known about the digitally reworked version until she saw the issue. The former NBC "Today" show host told the Daily News, "I liked the first picture better because there's more of me to love."
Whatever Katie this is a nice way of telling you, you're a fattie. It has nothing to do with you being a female. Just look at your predecessors, Dan Rather, Walter Cronkite, perfect male specimens. I mean the list goes on, then there's Chris Mathews, or our favorite Michael Moore, all handsome, and in perfect health... while you're, well you're fat, and so is Nicole Ritchie.
So do the world a favor, do CBS a favor, lay off the salad dressing, we want you
The World